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Being Let Go – Letting Go
In these uncertain economic times, numerous companies are adopting Limited Restructuring (LR)...
The Resilient Dance of the Palm Tree
My husband and I recently enjoyed a vacation on Maui, my favorite Hawaiian island. Despite the...
Having Difficult Conversations
We’ve all experienced times when we were so angry at someone, we wanted to yell at them. I once...
The buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT is hard to ignore these days. It's on...
The Destination…
I recently was asked to conduct a training workshop on goal setting. To be honest, I was not very...
Being an executive assistant for over 30 years and mentoring others in the same field throughout my...
Worry Is a Waste
Let me start by saying that I have been and probably always will be a bit of a worrier and I am...
Journaling The Journey
I have some exciting news I want to share with you today but before I do…let's talk about stepping...
Where does the time go?
I often hear administrative professionals share with me that they are ‘overwhelmed’ with their...
This is the month when we celebrate Independence Day in the U.S. As a result, I started thinking...
Let’s work together!
I have helped so many assistants and executives maximize the administrative role in their companies. I am ready to help YOU too.

I have helped so many assistants and executives maximize the administrative role in their companies. I am ready to help YOU too.