As an Administrative Professional, you excel at your job because everyone relies on your help. However, being an exceptional "people pleaser" often leaves you overwhelmed, making it challenging to meet both your leader's needs and your own priorities.
Let me share a story about an Executive Assistant who was considered a superstar in her department. Everyone sought her expertise, and she consistently had the answers they needed. Having been with her organization for years, she knew the ins and outs of everything.
Then came the wake-up call during her performance review: her leader informed her that she wasn't meeting project deadlines efficiently. She had 60 days to improve, or she wouldn't receive her anticipated bonus. This executive assistant learned the hard way that she needed to regain focus on her core responsibilities by learning to say no.
I want to share a powerful tool that can help you balance being helpful while maintaining productivity and preserving workplace relationships: The USA Statement.
When someone requests assistance outside your core responsibilities, use these three components:
Understanding (U): Show empathy and acknowledge their needs Example: "I can see this is important to you and causing some concern."
Situation (S): Explain your current circumstances Example: "I'm under pressure to complete an urgent report for my leader, and my current workload is at capacity."
Action (A): Offer alternative solutions Example: "While I'm not the best resource for spreadsheets, I can connect you with someone who specializes in them," or "Let me direct you to the appropriate department for this request."
Before taking on additional work, consider these key factors:
Your expertise level: Do you have the necessary skills to complete the task effectively?
Quality standards: Can you maintain your usual high-quality work?
Impact on stress: Will this significantly increase your workload pressure?
Future implications: Is this likely to become a recurring request?
Business value: Is there a strategic reason to take this on? Will it provide valuable learning opportunities?
Benefits of implementing the USA Statement:
Maintaining your professional reputation through quality work and timely project completion
Increasing job satisfaction and work-life balance
While adopting the USA Statement may feel challenging at first, especially if you're naturally inclined to help everyone, it will ultimately enable you to excel at your primary responsibilities and maintain sustainable productivity.
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