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The Executive Assistant’s wish list for a business partnership

The Executive Assistant’s wish list for a business partnership

Dear Executive,

I was honored and excited the day you hired me to be your executive assistant! I have strived to be the absolute best partner you could ever have and the more I learn about you and from you – I know I can reach that “Amazing” Assistant level you want and deserve.

Here is what I, as your “Amazing” executive assistant, wish for in terms of a productive and long-lasting partnership together.

First, I would like to connect with you even if it is only 5 minutes a day, (as you are a hard executive to catch thanks to my remarkable scheduling talents). If we could sync up, I could get an update from you on your last

meeting, what or who I need to be looking out for and what your next move is (because you move at light speed). Hey, you can Zoom me, Google Duo me, FaceTime me, or even do it the old fashion way and just call me (I think that is an actual song).

Trying to be an “Amazing” executive assistant yourself does not suit you. I am almost positive that your job description says “executive”. I have got “assistant” covered in my job description so let me manage your time/calendar as well as jump in and handle those worrisome projects that slow you down instead. Give it to me – I promise I will rock-it and give time back to you!

Please let me attend your staff meetings. I want to feel like I am an integral member of your leadership team and be seen as your right hand (or left hand or both). The more I understand the business, the more effective I can be for you. By being both your left and/or right hands, I can literally do “hand-stands” in supporting you.


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I know you are attached to your email like it is a “life-line” but being bogged down in email “hell” is possibly NOT where you want to spend your time.

You are destined as my executive for greater things. In fact, if you let me read your emails, I will get a better understanding of the ‘who, what, when and where’ and an even clearer insight into your goals, priorities, and expectations.

I also appreciate that you think that I am a magician because I seem to make magic happen when needed. I would call myself a miracle worker.

Please know that while I can certainly whip up a miracle or two without much notice, there is a lot of skill required and sometimes a bit of luck and a prayer to make it work so a bit of patience is always helpful and appreciated.

Let us work together because we are better as a team and unbelievable things can happen when we do!

Your Awesome/Amazing Executive Assistant


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