Debbie Gross Blog

The Best Tool for Tackling Time

Written by Debbie | Jan 1, 2025 2:00:00 PM

In my last blog post, I discussed that time is a rare commodity in the administrative world. We never seem to have enough of it, right? I mentioned that over the next few months, I want to share some tools and strategies that can help you not only manage time but also become its master.

The simplest tool I have ever found for managing my time on daily tasks and projects is—drumroll please—a timer! It is that simple! We often have long lists of tasks to complete each day, and while we are adept at checking items off, there are times when a project takes much more time than anticipated. As a result, I find myself falling behind on everything else.

You know the scenario: you start off with optimism, encounter a snag, resolve the issue, and then face yet another challenge. After overcoming that hurdle, it hits you that you have spent hours on what was supposed to be a "simple" project. That's when I discovered that 'timing' my projects was a lifesaver AND a time-saver.

To manage my tasks, I estimate the time I believe each action item or project will take. For example, when working on international expense reports, which can be complex due to varying currencies and exchange rates, I determine that completing one report requires about an hour of focused effort. I then block off that hour on my calendar. Once I start working on it, I set a timer for one hour and commit to maintaining my focus during that time.

If the timer goes off and I have not finished the expense report, I stop working, reassess how much additional time I need to complete it, and then reschedule it accordingly before moving on to other items on my to-do list.

The key is to be true to your "focus" time that you have carved out and be true to your timer. Once the timer goes off, stop what you are doing and move on. You will be amazed at how much you can get done just by using this strategy. It is the simplest way to get a handle on and master the time you have.